Green Pea Pate Pates are so easy to make. And they are all generally variations of the same theme. On the Demuth’s course we made a broad bean pate or dip. Here on the boat we did not have broad beans but we did have green peas. Nor here in France could we not get …

Red Cabbage, Mixed Leaf, Feta and Tomato Salad with Finn Crisp Crackers
Red cabbage, leaf, feta and tomato salad with Finn Crisp crackers Here is a typical lunch for us when we are at home. When we are out and about, I must confess it’s a different story. When eating on the run it’s a hundred, thousand times harder to find good wholesome food. And I can …

Low Carb Oatcakes
We both love oatcakes. Oats is sooo good for you for a number of reasons. Read more here. We’ve already made Cinnamon Oatcakes – here – and Cheesy Oatcakes – here. While we are in Scotland we tend to try the different brands available in the supermarkets. Back home in South Africa, we get the Nairns brand oatcakes …

Curried Coleslaw and Vegetarian Lincoln Sausages
Curried Coleslaw and Vegetarian Lincoln Sausages Coleslaw is a great low carb salad. But – the mayonnaise dressing can be high in fat. Most commercial low fat mayonnaise is diluted down – often with water and starchy thickeners to keep the consistency. Ingredients for creamy curry dressing I prefer to dilute mayonnaise myself. I usually …

Low Carb Irish Soda Bread
Low Carb Irish Soda Bread my flour at left and Atkins flour at right I have made Colette Heimowitz – Atkins – low carb bread – see here – and here – so many times now. It’s great bread. Two slices for breakfast with peanut butter or a slice of cheese and I’m full for hours. The texture …

Pea and Asparagus Salad with Vegetarian Cumberland Sausages
Pea and Asparagus Salad with Vegetarian Cumberland Sausages I’m still helping Patrick with his blog while he is working flat out. His intention with this blog was to show what we eat every day as he was always being asked what we eat. It is a well meaning question but it is surprising that …

Peanut Butter on Low Carb Toast with Fresh Apple Slices
Peanut Butter on Low Carb Toast with Fresh Apple Slices Patrick is missing his blog terribly. But we both agree that it is better to have me writing than for the blog to be neglected. Besides, we eat the same food, it’s just my style of writing and views that are different. I love love …

Nut Roast with Creamed Curry Spinach and Fresh Plum and Vegetable Salad
Nut Roast with Creamed Curry Spinach and Fresh Plum and Vegetable Salad Gosh, when I look at the amount of food on this plate, I almost feel bad. Especially when we watch these cooking shows on the BBC and see the puny portions that fine dining push out. But then pathetic portions one of the very …

Bean Salad with Carrot Andhra Curry
Bean Salad with Carrot Andhra Curry I’m still maintaining Patrick’s blog while he is doing his bit for the oil industry. Patrick is without doubt the stir fry and curry expert. He finds a tried and trusted recipe and once he has mastered it. He makes it again and again. He might make minor adjustments – …

Last of the Indian summer
Andhra Carrot Curry We are great believers in using up what we have, rather than throwing it away and buying more. When Karen went back to SA she left me a well stocked fridge, amongst which were a lot of carrots. Also being on an Indian crusade, I had all the spices. What to make? I …