Back home again. First – a very happy New Year to all out there. Second – I must (again) apologise for not posting for ages! 2016 ended up as a year with much work and travelling, and subsequently very little blogging. However, I am now back in our lovely kitchen in Cape Town, and making …

Green Juice
Raw Green Juice: There is nothing like starting the day with a fresh healthy Green Juice, so I thought it appropriate to start off my 2016 blogs with a green juice mixture. It’s also a fresh start from another aspect – I have just changed my blog platform over to WordPress. Which is also one …

BLT – Vegan Version
BLT – Vegan Version At last a vegan version of the BLT (Bacon lettuce and tomato) sandwich! Back at home in our wonderful kitchen at last! We have had a wonderful time travelling but making healthy food and blogging has not been easy, and I must apologize for not posting for a while. On our travels we …

Smoked Tempeh Bacon
Smoked Tempeh Bacon Last week I used smoked tempeh ‘bacon’ in the stir fry recipe, and here is the promised tempeh smoking recipe. But before I do that, there is one aspect I must touch on – Carnivores often ask why us vegetarian/vegans keep making ‘meat look-alike’ dishes. On the one hand, they are right …

Thai green curry – Raw and Vegan
Thai green curry – Raw and Vegan Raw vegan Thai Green Curry Finally got around to making this raw vegan Thai Green Curry again. I first discovered it on the FEAST and TASTE raw food courses run by Deborah Durrant of Deliciously Raw. There are a couple of differences from her original recipe as I …

Vegan Creem Cheeze
Vegan Creem Cheeze Karen found this slightly modified and very easy vegan creem cheeze recipe. We use this when we cannot get Toffutti. It makes a pleasant, mild creem cheeze that is great for toasts or snacks. Don’t be put off by the seemingly strange ingredients. Ingredients: 1 block silken tofu, rinsed and drained …

Who needs cheese!
Who needs cheese! It seems getting over cheese is the hardest part of going vegan. Here are a couple of examples of quick and easy cheeseless snacks to get you through the day. In this picture is vegan creem cheeze on beetroot toast, humus on onion bread and guacamole on onion bread. The spreads are …

Coco pine smoothie
Coco pine smoothie Coco pine smoothie It never occurred to me till the other day to put pineapple in a smoothie. But I came up with this tropical sounding pina-colada style concoction. And it was delicious! Coco Pine smoothie ingredients Ingredients: 1 pineapple 2 bananas 1 C coconut flakes (soaked overnight) 6 to 8 pitted …

Breakfast Mix – Raw, vegan and healthy
Breakfast Mix – Raw, vegan and healthy Healthy breakfast mix I must apologize for not posting for a few weeks now. I have had other things on my plate – pardon the pun. But I have been eating a hearty healthy breakfast every day! Along with a green juice or a smoothie, I always have …

Onion Tart – Vegan
Onion Tart – Vegan Vegan onion tart We have not done much vegan baking at all but Karen wanted to try this dish as a starter at our last dinner party. The original idea also came from the Leafy Green Cafe recipe book by Antonia De Luca, but we also needed to make this one …