Amazing Aloe – Great superfood
Aloe is our very own local superfood here in Cape Town/South Africa. They are hardy and easy to grow. Our one is doing wonderfully, in a pot on the patio. There are two types – the Vera and Ferox varieties. Ours is apparently Ferox. I use a couple of pieces of the...
Green Juice
Raw Green Juice: There is nothing like starting the day with a fresh healthy Green Juice, so I thought it appropriate to start off my 2016 blogs with a green juice mixture. It’s also a fresh start from another aspect – I have just changed my blog platform over to...
Coco pine smoothie
Coco pine smoothie Coco pine smoothie It never occurred to me till the other day to put pineapple in a smoothie. But I came up with this tropical sounding pina-colada style concoction. And it was delicious! Coco Pine smoothie ingredients Ingredients: 1 pineapple 2...
Berry smoothie – raw and vegan
Berry smoothie – raw and vegan Now for my berry smoothie. You can of course use any berries you want, and whatever you use will of course create the colour of the smoothie. This time I have used some soaked goji berries, among others, which give it the almost orange...
Chocolate Smoothie – raw and vegan
Chocolate Smoothie – raw and vegan Chocolate smoothie Smoothies and juices are rather the staple diet of a raw foodie. I have done posts on smoothies before, but we have improved, and I decided to share our favourite smoothies and juice over the next few posts. Also,...
Delicious and healthy Green Smoothie.
Green Smoothie – raw, vegan and healthy Healthy Green Smoothie Things don’t always go according to plan, and I have not been able to do as much proper cooking on the boat as I had hoped. But we still had to eat, so we did manage to make really tasty and healthy...
Eating aboard – Healthy green smoothie
Healthy green smoothie for breakfast Eating raw, vegan and healthy aboard is a challenge in a number of ways, but the one thing that actually makes it easier is we do not have an oven. We have an electric hob, but to operate that we need to run a generator. So we...
Healthy Vegetarian Breakfast
Berry, banana and nut smoothie In my last post I complained about the breakfast rip off for vegeatarians eating out. So here is a tasty, healthy option, for at home anyway: Berry, banana and nut smoothie. You can use any available berries or nuts, but here I used...