Mains Vegetarian

Chickpea Cutlets

Vegan chickpea cutlets Having had such success with our Vegan Ham at Xmas, we wanted to find a quick and easy vegan meal with that ‘meatiness’ which would appeal to our carnivore friends. Karen came across this chickpea cutlet recipe which we tested. They were indeed quick and easy, quite tasty, and definitely had that …


Raw vegan Nut Log

Raw vegan Nut Log For Xmas, along with the Vegan Ham we made a cooked nut roast. I wasn’t particularly thrilled with this dish, so did not blog it. However, While browsing one of my favourite recipes books – easy living food, I found this version of a roast – a raw vegan Nut Log. I …


The Raw Kitchen

Raw kitchen appliances This blog started off as vegetarian and healthy, went through a low-carb phase, and now concentrates pretty much on vegan and raw, which is about as healthy as you can get, or so we think anyway. We are thoroughly enjoying making raw food, but it is quite a mindset change, and does …


Kale Chips

Kale chips Since we started getting into this raw stuff, we have discovered kale, and kale chips. Organically grown kale, which we use frequently in our green juices, is available at the weekly Hope Street Market in Cape Town. One CAN buy kale chips, but even though they are delicious, they are hellishly expensive. However, …


Raw Nut Cheezes

Selection raw nut cheeze rolls One of the hardest things about going vegan is getting over the desire for cheese. Since we discovered raw nut cheezes, it has been much easier. These soft nut cheeze rolls are great for snacking, especially with raw onion bread or raw flax cracker biscuits. The basic cheeze recipe – 2 C macadamia …