Vegan Quiche

Vegan Quiche

Vegan spelt crust quiche Karen has wanted to try vegan baking for a while now. When I was at the London Vegfest a while ago, there were loads of recipe books on special, and I bought her the “Whole Grain VEGAN BAKING” by Celine Steen and Tamasin Noyes. This...

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Offshore and more raw vegan London

Offshore and more raw vegan London

Trying to be healthy offshore I have been offshore again recently, working, and we are now travelling in Holland, so I haven,t been in the kitchen much. Karen was helping me with recipes for the blog, but now she is also with  me in Europe. Being vegetarian and eating...

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Veggie and vegan day in London

Veggie and vegan day in London

Raw Food – Avo salad sandwich Had a day in London on my way back to SA. Where does an aspiring vegan go for sustenance in London? Happy Cow to the rescue again. I am amazed at the number of vegan and vegetarian restaurants around. Happy Cow showed up 4 in centre of...

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