Entertaining Raw – butternut, carrot and ginger soup
Raw butternut, carrot and ginger soup As I mentioned last week, our first go at entertaining with raw food went off really well, with even our carnivore friends being suitable impressed. The menu comprised raw butternut, carrot and ginger soup, raw vegan pizza and...

Breads and Cracker Biscuits
Onion bread A little bit late this week with my post! Good excuse this time – We have been having a wonderful time in our new kitchen, trying out our new gadgets and even entertaining. One of our views on healthy eating has always been to avoid refined carbohydrates....

Raw Food Seminar
Green juice So – the Raw Food Seminar presented by Peter Daniels of Rawlicious here in South Africa. A fascinating day – loads of information on nutrition, healthy eating and raw food concepts, along with a couple of demonstrations on juicing and smoothies, as well as...

Raw brocolli cheeze and other raw delights
Brocolli cheeze Last week I promised you brocolli cheeze. So here it is. The original recipe came from “easy living food” by Natalie Reid and Noel Marten and they used cauliflower. The book is available on line from the Rawlicious website. Ingredients: 2 or 3 cups of...

More and more raw food
Raw hummus on bread with side salad Back in Cape Town and in our new house. I still have to find out where everything is in the kitchen, but Karen in the meantime has been really getting into this raw food concept. And delicious it is too! The first raw recipe she...

Veggie and vegan day in London
Raw Food – Avo salad sandwich Had a day in London on my way back to SA. Where does an aspiring vegan go for sustenance in London? Happy Cow to the rescue again. I am amazed at the number of vegan and vegetarian restaurants around. Happy Cow showed up 4 in centre of...

Vegetarian and vegan at sea!
Courgette Latkes As you will have noted, I am not exactly doing a lot of cooking lately. I think I have a valid excuse at the moment – I am working offshore, doing what one has to do to earn a living. And this adds a whole new dimension to trying to be vegetarian, let...

Vegetarian in Amsterdam 3 – Superfood Centre
Raw Chocolate Smoothie and Snackaroons Superfood Centre – Amsterdam ….And the third of the vegetarian eateries we tried while in Amsterdam – Superfood Centre. See Bolhoed and De Vliegende Schotel posts. Superfood Centre is more of a Health Shop than a restaurant,...

Vegetarian in Amsterdam 2 – De Vliegende Schotel
Amsterdam – De Vliegende Schotel – Dutch stamppot This is the second of the vegetarian restaurants we tried in Amsterdam.See my last post about Bolhoed. De Vliegende Schotel is a bit more off the beaten track, (right up the end of Nieuwe Leliestraat), and not...

Vegetarian in Amsterdam 1 – Bolhoed
Amsterdam – Bolhoed vegetarian restaurant A week or so ago we were in Amsterdam. As mentioned in my last post , we had been put onto the Happy Cow vegetarian and vegan restaurant guide. The first one we tried was Bolhoed. It was freezing cold, and only still mid...