Seed cracker biscuits
Seed cracker biscuits Seed crackers and nut cheeze I am not at all a fan of these fad ‘diets’ that keeping popping up, rather preferring the overall healthy approach to eating. The recipe book that is all the rage in South Africa at the moment is ‘The Real Meal...

Vegan ‘NOT smoked salmon scramble’
Vegan ‘NOT smoked salmon scramble’ Among the new gadgets I discover at Deborah Durrant’s Taste course was the cold smoking gun. A very simple device but effective. At the course, we used the smoke gun to smoke some marinated veggies, namely moolie and carrots. I was...

Raw and vegan – more with the dehydrater – beetroot toast
Raw and vegan – more with the dehydrater – beetroot toast Dehydrated vegetable powders As promised in last week’s dehydrating post, the outcome of my dehydrating sessions – My 1 bag spinach 3 beetroot 5 carrots and 3 large red peppers which I dehydrated in the next...

Raw and vegan – Dehydrating in our new kitchen
Raw and vegan – Dehydrating in our new kitchen Maca-roons – raw and vegan At long last our new kitchen is in operation! Much more worktop space, place for all our gadgets, and a good spot for the dehydrator. I was missing all the tasty raw sweet things, so to get back...

Raw kitchen gadgets
Raw kitchen gadgets Our new Raw Food ‘must haves’ So much for our new kitchen. Three weeks and it still looks like a building site! So no recipes this week.. Some time ago I did a post on the Raw Kitchen and gadgets. Blendtec Blender and attachments While on the Feast...

More from Taste
More from Taste Nut cheeze One of the hardest things about going vegan and raw is getting over cheese. Using the basic nut cheese we had made the previous day, we all came up with our own flavour variations. I made a peppercorn goats cheeze, using Deborah’s recipe,...

Taste – Raw Food Course
Taste – Raw Food Course Tom Kha Soup Last week I attended Deborah Durrant’s Taste course – a 1 week intensive hands on course – it follows on from her Feast 2014 course, and is geared to fine dining, menu planning and plating techniques. Shame that Karen had to be...

Raw courgette pasta
Raw courgette pasta – with tomato sauce At the moment I am killing time between the 2 raw food course, doing some maintenance on our boat in the Netherlands. Compared to our kitchen at home, the equipment on the boat is pretty basic, but it’s surprising what you can...

Sweet Treats – last of Feast 2014 – Raw Food course
Sweet Treats – last of Feast 2014 – Raw Food course Lime custard tartlet – raw and vegan Everybody seems to make smoothies these days. They tend to be a bit hit and miss – very good or merely ok. Here we learnt a whole lot about the basics of a smoothie and how to...

More on Feast 2014 – Raw Food Course
More on Feast 2014 – Raw Food Course Karen’s Raw Foods Cheeze Platter Wednesday, the middle day was probably the most exhausting. It was the most intense day, but we had also been eating 100% raw for a couple of days now and were undergoing a mini detox – physically...