Back home again. First – a very happy New Year to all out there. Second – I must (again) apologise for not posting for ages! 2016 ended up as a year with much work and travelling, and subsequently very little blogging. However, I am now back in our lovely kitchen in Cape Town, and making …

BLT – Vegan Version
BLT – Vegan Version At last a vegan version of the BLT (Bacon lettuce and tomato) sandwich! Back at home in our wonderful kitchen at last! We have had a wonderful time travelling but making healthy food and blogging has not been easy, and I must apologize for not posting for a while. On our travels we …

Vegan cheeze
Karen’s vegan cheeze – I must apologize for not posting for a while! Karen and I are on the European inland waterways on our motor cruiser Shangri La, on a trip from Netherlands to France. I am somewhat preoccupied with running the boat and all that goes with such a voyage. Read about our boating here …

Another Fermented Nut Cheeze
Another Fermented Nut Cheeze As promised, here is Karen’s ‘cheddar’ nut cheeze: See my previous post for the basic recipe. Remember the basic recipe makes 2 cheezes, so halve your basic mixture, and flavour with the following ingredients: (Oh – I’ve introduced our measurement – the Knifepoint = the pointy end of a chopping knife …

Fermented Nut Cheeze
Fermented Nut Cheeze Giving up cheese is one of the hardest aspects of going vegan, but these fermented nut cheezes are really great. Of course, the inspiration and basic recipes for these come from my raw food guru – Deborah Durrant. Check out her website at Deliciously Raw…. and if you are ever in a …

Vegan Creem Cheeze
Vegan Creem Cheeze Karen found this slightly modified and very easy vegan creem cheeze recipe. We use this when we cannot get Toffutti. It makes a pleasant, mild creem cheeze that is great for toasts or snacks. Don’t be put off by the seemingly strange ingredients. Ingredients: 1 block silken tofu, rinsed and drained …

Guacamole – raw and vegan In a previous post I mentioned cheeseless snacks, and here is the promised recipe. Ingredients: 2 ripe avocados 1 large clove garlic juice and pulp of 1 lemon (no pips) salt to taste chili flakes to taste (optional) Method: Put all ingredients in the blender and blend till smooth. Some …

Chickpea Hummus
Chickpea Hummus As promised, here is Karen’s chickpea hummus recipe. Never really sure of the correct spelling for ‘hummus’, but that close enough. Ingredients: 1 tin chickpeas, rinsed and drained 1 – 2 large cloves garlic 1/2 t ground cummin (optional) juice of and pulp of 1 lemon (no pips) 1 T tahini salt to …

Vegan Quiche
Vegan spelt crust quiche Karen has wanted to try vegan baking for a while now. When I was at the London Vegfest a while ago, there were loads of recipe books on special, and I bought her the “Whole Grain VEGAN BAKING” by Celine Steen and Tamasin Noyes. This spelt-crusted quiche was the first dish we tried, …

Easy Baked Camemberts
Looking through the June issue of Vegetarian Living magazine – Vegetarian Living I saw an article on the amount of food that is wasted in the UK. Apparently UK residents throw away £12 billion worth of food a year!!! Hard to believe that during the war their parents or grandparents lived on rations and wasted nothing. …