Vegan Stir Fry

Vegan Stir Fry Smoked Tempeh and vegan stir fry I seem to think stir fries were originally the domain of carnivores – it was a good way to quickly cook a meal. But our vegan stir fries are one of Karen’s favourite meals. I’m not going to give a specific recipe, as you can stir …

Vegan Creem Cheeze

Vegan Creem Cheeze Karen found this slightly modified and very easy vegan creem cheeze recipe. We use this when we cannot get Toffutti. It makes a pleasant, mild creem cheeze that is great for toasts or snacks. Don’t be put off by the seemingly strange ingredients.   Ingredients: 1 block silken tofu, rinsed and drained …


Guacamole – raw and vegan In a previous post I mentioned cheeseless snacks, and here is the promised recipe. Ingredients: 2 ripe avocados 1 large clove garlic juice and pulp of 1 lemon (no pips) salt to taste chili flakes to taste (optional) Method: Put all ingredients in the blender and blend till smooth. Some …

Chickpea Hummus

Chickpea Hummus As promised, here is Karen’s chickpea hummus recipe. Never really sure of the correct spelling for ‘hummus’, but that close enough. Ingredients: 1 tin chickpeas, rinsed and drained 1 – 2 large cloves garlic 1/2 t ground cummin (optional) juice of and pulp of 1 lemon (no pips) 1 T tahini salt to …

Who needs cheese!

Who needs cheese! It seems getting over cheese is the hardest part of going vegan. Here are a couple of examples of quick and easy cheeseless snacks to get you through the day. In this picture is vegan creem cheeze on beetroot toast, humus on onion bread and guacamole on onion bread. The spreads are …