Low carb choc chip cookies

I got the basis of this recipe from the new Atkins cookbook by Colette Heimowitz. The original recipe was called Cardamom Butter Cookies. Patrick always follows a recipe to a T, whereas I tend to modify and tweak to accommodate what we happen to have at home at the time. I had chocolate chips and I wanted to …

Low carb and fruit and cinnamon bread

We love Rose Elliot’s cook books. Great to find a low carb cookbook for vegetarians. I have made her low carb bread before but Karen wanted a sweet version. She used Rose Elliot’s “Cornbread” recipe but added stevia, cinnamon and mixed dried fruit. It’s a pity manufacturers insist on added sugar to everything, which is …

Easy Baked Camemberts

Looking through the June issue of Vegetarian Living magazine – Vegetarian Living I saw an article on the amount of food that is wasted in the UK. Apparently UK residents throw away £12 billion worth of food a year!!! Hard to believe that during the war their parents or grandparents lived on rations and wasted nothing. …

Tasty leftovers

Paneer with carrots and corn We simply hate wasting or throwing out food. Off on our travels again, and needed to use up a few things in the fridge: A block of paneer, some carrots and some corn. I remembered the Mutter Paneer recipe I did a while ago. This used green peas, but why …