Who would have thought of using beans in a dessert? Seems like lots of people. Anyway – it was a first for me, and turned out really well.
I am busy doing an on line cooking course and needed to make two completely diffenrent dishes using the same type of bean. I made a savoury chickpea and coriander pate for the one, and then these blondies!
I found quite a few similar but different recipes on the web, each with it’s own twist. I ended up using my version of one from “veggieinspired”.
I also had to adapt it for quantities to the size of my baking tin which is a 9 x 9 inch (23 x 23 cm ).
My ingredients:
2 C cooked and drained chickpeas (or 1 can of chickpeas – drained)
2/3 C peanut butter (or any nut butter)
1/3 C oats (use gluten free if desired)
3/4 C organic unrefined brown sugar
1/3 C agave and maple syrup (I go half half due to cost of maple syrup)
2 T ground cinnamon
1 1/3 t vanilla extract
2/3 t baking powder
1/3 t baking soda
1/3 t salt
(C = Cup, T = Tablespoon, t = teaspoon)
What to do:
Preheat oven to 350 F (180 C).
Line a 9 x 9 ins baking tin with parchment paper.
Put all ingredients into food processor and blend till a smooth paste.
Transfer the batter into the baking tin and spread out evenly.
Bake for 30 mins (top should be firm, and sides just starting to pull away from the tin)
Remove from oven and allow to cool a while. They will firm up a bit more while cooling.
You can sprinkle with a mix of sugar and cinnamon – which I did.
Remove from tin and cut into 16 squares.
Bon Apetit.