Since I last posted Karen and I have been very busy in the kitchen. We have just hosted another successful pop-up dinner at our house. Check out our Green and Vegan FB page . I am also studying on-line, doing the Rouxbe Plant-based Proffesional Chef course. I am loving it – finding out that there is just so much more to learn about food and cooking! (Rouxbe cooking course)
One of my favourite things to make in a starter course is beetroot toast. Both tasty and colourful, it is a ‘fine dining’ item.
I learned to make this a few years ago while doing another food course – a raw food course with Deborah Durrant at Deliciously Raw in the UK. Here is a link to her FB page and contact details
I can definitely recommend doing one of her courses if you would like to know more about raw foods.
And this is one recipe I follow exactly – as it works!! So thank you Deborah!
1/4 C ground flaxseeds
1/2 C water
1 C walnuts, soaked
2 T dried beetroot, ground to a powder
1 T tamari
1 T agave nectar
1/2 t ground coriander powder
1/2 t ground cumin
1/4 t brown mustard seeds
Pinch salt

What to do:
1. Soak the ground flaxseed with the water and let stand for about 20 mins. Stir well.
2. Pulse the walnuts, together with the beetroot dust, in a food processor till it is a crumbly texture, with bits about the size of cous cous.
3. Transfer the ground walnuts to a bowl and add all other ingredients, adding the ground flax solution last. Mix very well.
4. Spread the mixture out evenly and onto solid dehydrater sheets. Score into whatever size/shape pieces you like.
5. Dehydrate for about 8 hours at 115 Dec C
6. Remove the solid sheets, and continue to dry till the desired crispiness. (I usually cut or break it into the pieces at this stage).
I serve these with a vegan creem cheeze spread topped with my version of vegan smoked salmon – See my last post here.

Bon apetit.