Vegan apple crumble is pretty easy to make. Which is possibly why I have never posted a recipe for it before. You could take an ordinary apple crumble recipe and replace the butter with either vegan butter or a light vegetable oil.
I don’t normally put lots of background and waffle into my posts – but a little background is necessary here.
We have just relocated to the UK. We are in the middle of our enforced self-isolation. We are staying in a rented, unfurnished apartment. We have a stove/oven, a fridge, a washing machine (these seem to be standard in unfurnished flats here) but nothing else. We have the barest minimum of kitchen utensils. I managed to organize wifi/internet ahead of our arrival so we have a tiny TV and we can order food on-line.
I am missing our lovely kitchen back in SA. We now have in the basic foods.
So having a lot of apples, and missing making fancy desserts, I decided to throw together a reasonably tasty apple crumble.
The quantities I use are pretty much guesswork as we don’t have a scale or measuring things.
And it goes to show with a little bit of basic knowledge and ingenuity one can make a tasty dish.
My ingredients:
- 8 apples
- brown sugar
- wholewheat flour
- oats
- olive oil
What to do:
Core and dice the apples.
Put into a pot with some sugar and a dash of water.
Cook till soft.

Meanwhile make the crumble –
Put about 1/2 C flour, 1/2 C oats, 1/3 C sugar into a bowl and mix well. (We don’t have a bowl so I used a pot.)
Sprinkle with olive oil and rub between finger till you have a crumble.

Put the cooked apple into a pie dish and sprinkle the crumble on top.

Bake in oven for about 20 mins and finish off under the grill for a few minutes.
It was at this point I found that the grill did not work! So left it in the oven a bit longer – and managed to get the top a bit too brown.

Remove from oven and allow to cool a bit.
Served up with some vegan yoghurt.

Of course – the missing ingredients are cinnamon and vanilla – would have made it divine!
Bon apetit!