As we cannot do our Green & Vegan pop up dining due to this Covid pandemic, we have started doing take out sandwiches. This Tofu Mayo Sandwich is my favourite.

It uses my ‘vegan egg’ recipe, along with a commercially bought low oil mayo on a health seed loaf from our local Knead bakery.

When making these for the sandwiches, I dont make them in the individal molds as not really neccesary. I pour the white into a rectangular dish. Once set I slice into 12 sections and cut. Then scoop out a bit from each. Then make the yolk and pour into the scooped out bits.
The scooped out bits and the extra yolk if any, I mix together. Makes a lovely bit of scrambled eggs!
When making the yolk for this, I make a firmer set by adding a little cornstarch to the water.
Bon apetit!