I made theses Chicken Seitan Skewers a while ago but never got round to posting the recipe. The original inspiration for this came from this recipe from Sam at “itdoesnttastelikechicken”.
Just to make sure, I made them again yesterday. The original recipe uses silken tofu, but this time I used twice frozen firm tofu which gave a nicer texture. (See notes)
I made it into chunks for skewers rather than into fillets. I also bumped up some of the flavours and spices.

The recipe I used:
- 2 C Gluten Powder (plus a bit for dusting)
- 300 g tofu
- 3 T water
- 4 T nutritional yeast
- 2 T onion powder
- 3 t stock powder
- 2 t garlic powder
- 3/4 t salt
- Marinade of your choice
What to do:
1 Mix and whisk all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Ensure well mixed.
2 Crumble the tofu into the mix along with the 3 T water
3 Either add the mix to your food processor (with steel blades) and pulse till comes to a dough ball.
Or use your hands to make a dough.
Either way, if you used twice frozen and pressed firm tofu (see notes), you will need to add in some more water.
4 Do NOT knead. Just work the dough a little and stretch it out till about 1/2 inch thick. Then either cut into six “fillets” or cut into cubes. (see photos)

5 Take the fillets or cubes and place in a steamer. Note they will swell up to almost double size. If they are going to overlap and stick, lightly brush with oil first. Steam for 25 to 30 mins.

6 Meanwhile make the a marinade of your choice.
I used a “barbeque” concoction using tomato sauce, worcestershire sauce (vegan), liquid smoke, lemon juice, sugar, salt and pepper.
7 Once the cubes (or fillets) are done, remove from steamer and place in a bowl. Coat with the marinade and allow to cool.

8 Once well marinaded and cooled, place the cubes on skewers, and grill or griddle. Do not overcook. They just need warming and browning.

1 Recently someone discovered that you get a meatier texture from tofu if you take the firm tofu block, freeze it, thaw it completely, freeze it again and then thaw again. Once thawed, press out the water.
The original 400 gr tofu block ended up about 280 gr. Which is why if you use this tofu instead of the silken tofu, you will need to add back extra water.

Bon apetit!