This Orange Polenta Cake is a gluten free version of an orange drizzle cake. You can make it in a round or square baking tin or even in cupcakes sizes. The most important aspect of this recipe is to make sure the polenta is well hydrated. To that end I soak the polenta in the soy milk and orange juice overnight.

The original idea came from Stacey Horler’s website – ( ) with a couple of amendments.
Instead of dairy free yoghurt, I used soy milk with a dash of lemon juice. Also as noted above I soak the polenta overnight. And I make much more of the orange drizzle to make the final result really moist.
And I upped the quantities for the size tin I used which was a 23 x 23 squ cm one.
My ingredients:
- 1 C polenta
- 1 C almond flour
- 1 C gluten free flour
- 2 t baking powder
- 3/4 C soy milk with 2 T lemon juice
- 80 ml canola oil
- 120 ml agave nectar
- 200 mls orange juice
- 1/3 C soy milk
- Zest from 1 orange
- 3/4 C orange juice with 1/4 C agave for the drizzle syrup

What to do:
- Soak the polenta in the soy milks and orange juice overnight
- Preheat the oven to 160 Deg C (fan oven)(180 Deg C for convection)
- Add the rest of the wet ingredients, agave nectar and canola oil to the soaked polenta
- Sift the almond flour, gluten free flour and baking powder into a bowl and mix well. Add in the orange zest
- Add the now mixed wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix very well
- Pour the mixture into the baking tin (lined with baking parchment)
- Bake for about 40 minutes
- Meanwhile make the syrup -mix the agave nectar with the orange juice
- After the 40 mins, test with a skewer.
- When done, remove from oven. With the skewer, poke holes all over the cake and pour over the syrup and let cool.
We served this cut into small squares, garnished with dessicated coconut and a small orange slice, as part of the trio of desserts at our vegan pop-up dining experiences.
Bon apetit.