This very tasty Tomato Consomme is thanks to Jamie Oliver’s “Taste” video series. We made and served it at our latest pop-up vegan dining event last Saturday, and it seemed to go down a treat. Check out our Green & Vegan FB page
5 or 6 ripe large tomatoes
1/2 t horseradish sauce (preferable to use fresh if you can get it)
small handful fresh basil leaves
2 cloves garlic
generous splash of red wine vinegar
(A dash of Vodka is a good optional extra – I didnt use it this time though)
What to do:
1. Remove the thick stems from the basil as they can be somewhat bitter, and wash off the leaves.
2. Put all the ingredients into a food processor and blend well.
3. Put the mixture bag made of at least 2 layers of muslin.
4. Hang over a bowl and let it strain through. I helped it along with some squeezing.
5. The liquid comes through clear, so put a slice of raw beetroot in the collection bowl.

Note – go easy on the salt in the beginning – you can adjust the seasoning at the end.
Serve chilled – we garnished with baby tomato halves, a couple of basil leaves, garlic croutons and a raw cracker bread.

Bon apetit!