They are hardy and easy to grow. Our one is doing wonderfully, in a pot on the patio.
There are two types – the Vera and Ferox varieties. Ours is apparently Ferox.
I use a couple of pieces of the flesh in our smoothies, and the gel can be applied to the skin for a soothing hydrating effect.

To harvest the flesh of the Aloe
– Cut off a leaf as close to the base as possible.
Let the dark ‘bitter’ liquid drain away and rinse off the leaf.
Trim off the thorny edges.

Using a sharp knife slice off the skin leaving the white flesh.

Rinse and keep in water, in the fridge.
To find out more about it’s use and health benefits, I suggest getting a wonderful recipe book called “The Magic of Superfoods” by Peter and Beryn Daniel.
It is a really great book – loads of information on all the superfoods, lovely recipes and brilliant illustrations.
Happy harvesting – but mind the thorns!