Aloe Ferox
Lifestyle Smoothies and drinks

Amazing Aloe – Great superfood

Aloe is our very own local superfood here in Cape Town/South Africa.
Aloe Ferox
Aloe Ferox


They are hardy and easy to grow. Our one is doing wonderfully, in a pot on the patio.

There are two types – the Vera and Ferox varieties. Ours is apparently Ferox.

I use a couple of pieces of the flesh in our smoothies, and the gel can be applied to the skin for a soothing hydrating effect.


Aloe Leaf
The Leaf


To harvest the flesh of the Aloe

– Cut off a leaf as close to the base as possible.

Let the dark ‘bitter’ liquid drain away and rinse off the leaf.

Trim off the thorny edges.


Harvesting Aloe
Harvesting the flesh


Using a sharp knife  slice off the skin leaving the white flesh.


Aloe flesh
Aloe flesh


Rinse and keep in water, in the fridge.

To find out more about it’s use and health benefits, I suggest getting a wonderful recipe book called “The Magic of Superfoods” by Peter and Beryn Daniel.

It is a really great book – loads of information on all the superfoods, lovely recipes and brilliant illustrations.

Happy harvesting – but mind the thorns!


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