One of my favourite discoveries in raw food are the absolutely amazing raw vegan cheezecakes or tarts.
Everybody seems to love them, so here is the easiest one to make – Pineapple Cheezecake.
The original recipe is from Natalie and Noel’s “Easy Living Food” recipe book which has become one of my main “go to” books.

I have made few minor changes to the original over time, and this is my final result:

Crust –
1 and 1/2 C almonds – previously soaked for a couple of hours
1/2 C sesame seeds
1/2 C coconut blossom sugar
1/4 C coconut oil – melted
pinch salt

Filling –
1 and 1/2 pineapples – skin removed and roughly chopped.
1 and 1/4 C coconut oil – melted
1 C cashew nuts
2 T lemon juice
2 T agave nectar
1 t vanilla powder
pinch salt

1. Put all crust ingredients into food processor and whizz till well ground up and mixed.
2. Put mixture into a spring form tin, press down well and make level. Use a fork or knife point to
make several small holes or punctures in the base.
3. Put this in refridgerator to firm up while making the filling.
4. Put all filling ingredients into high speed blender, and whizz on high speed till smooth and
creamy. Will take at least a minute, and use tamper as necessary, or stop and scrape down sides of
jug with a spatula a couple of times.
5. Pour onto crust.
6. Refrigerat for about 6 hours to firm up.
7. Decorate with fresh pineapple or whatever takes your fancy. (I happenned to have some dried
kumquats in the cupboard and use slivers of these.)

Some comments –
These raw vegan cheezecakes or tarts actually freeze very well. I cut the tart into half or quarters and freeze these for use as required. Naturally they don’t last indefinitely, but at least a week to 10 days.
Thanks again to Natalie and Noel. I can really recommend their book – Easy Living Food!
Bon apetit.