Raw Green Juice:

There is nothing like starting the day with a fresh healthy Green Juice, so I thought it appropriate to start off my 2016 blogs with a green juice mixture.
It’s also a fresh start from another aspect – I have just changed my blog platform over to WordPress.
Which is also one of the reasons I have not been posting in a while.
And I am only just finding out how to work with WordPress.

My ingredients:
(Organic produce as far as possible!)
1 “pillow” of spinach leaves
1/2 bunch kale
Half a pineapple
2 apples
1 lemon
handful of fresh mint sprigs

Cut off the roughest bits of the pineapple skin.
Chop apples and lemon into slices.
Run all the ingredients through the juicer.
Enjoy – I usually dilute the raw mixture about 2/3 juice to 1/3 water.
A few other thoughts –
This mix has a lovely subtle minty flavour.
You can sweeten it up by adding extra apple.
Of course, you can use any other greens you like.
The remaining pulp can go into the compost heap if you are lucky enough to have one.

And finally – all the best to all my readers for the new year – have a wonderfully healthy and
vegan one.
Bon apetit!
Hi Patrick,
i am Junes friend Moira and going to try your recipes to get healthy
Hi Moira.
Hope you get some benefit from them. I have been a bit slack about posting lately I am afraid.